Friday 13 March 2015

Development of Drama and its prominent Writers in The Elizabethan Age

 Development of Drama and its prominent Writers in The Elizabethan Age


 The Elizabethan age is also known as the age of William Shakespeare. Because, he was the dominant figure of the Elizabethan age in literary terms, it is called the period of Renaissance. The term ‘Renaissance’ means rebirth or revival of Greek and Italian culture, literature, art, learning etc. it was an age of drama therefore, it is necessary to discuss the development of drama in Elizabethan age
 Let’s have a look on the growth of drama in the Elizabethan age in detail

 Development of drama

The drama had a religious origin in Greece. Then it started to rise in England. The object of the first play was to emphasize moral lesson by showing the reward of the good and the punishment of the evil doer. In England the religious plays where more famous, and started to perform on the stage in the sixteenth century. The theme of the drama was religious, that’s why the existence of miracle and mystery plays can be observed
Let’s elaborate these plays in detail.

Miracle plays:

A Miracle play is basically a religious play. They deal with the lives of saints and the miracles performed by them. The life and martyrdom of a saint formed the central theme of a Miracle play. The name Miracle was used indiscriminately for all plays having their origin in the Bible. For four centuries after this first recorded play the miracles increased steadily in number and popularity in England. Miracles were acted on the continent earlier than this. The Normans undoubtedly brought the religious plays with them, but it is probable that they began in England before the conquest.

Mystery plays:   
 The Mystery plays basically deal with the themes taken from the Bible. They present in chronological order major events from the Creation and Fall of a Man through Nativity, Crucifixion on, Resurrection of Christ to the last Judgement.Mystery play represent scenes from the life of Christ or stories from the old testament of Bible, which associated the coming of Messiah. In England, The Mystery was used to distinguish a certain class of plays.

Morality Plays:

Morality plays are allegorical plays. They present on the stage personified virtues and vices. Everyman is presented as hero, Satan, personified as vice, God or Christ as virtue, and death as the reward of sin. The moral of the drama is shown by the increasing prevalence of the morality plays. The characters of these plays were allegorical personages-Life, Death, repentance, Goodness, Love, Greed, and other virtues and vices. The moralities may be regarded as the dramatic counterpart of the once-popular allegorical poetry exemplified by the Romance of the Rose”. Most of the old moralities are of unknown date and origin. Two famous authors were there like John Skelton, who wrote” Magnificence” and Sir David Lindsay. These both are the writers of high quality.

Interludes Plays:

The Interludes were generally short entertainment inserted within a longer play or amidst some other festivities or festivals. Their primary function was to entertain the audience by humor or even by farce. The Interludes originated undoubtedly, in a sense of humor, and to John Heywood, who raised the Interlude to the distinct dramatic form known as comedy.

Apart from that, the artistic period plays a vital role to raise the English drama. It is a different from the earlier plays like Miracles and Mysteries. Because it represents human life as it is. In English Literature,” Ralph Royster doyster”,the first English comedy, which was written by Nicholas Udall in 1550.The first comedy “Ralph Royster Doyster” is a first wholly comedy is a full of fun and coarse humours,and is wonderfully true to the life it represents. To raise the growth of drama, first tragedy can also be found,”Gorboduc”, which was written in collaboration by Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton. It was written in 1561, but performed on the stage in the year of 1562.

Due to classical influence, the growth of English drama can be observed. This influence started to develop from the Mystery and Miracle plays.
So, let’s discuss major dramatists of this Age in detail.

Ben Jonson
John Lyly
George Peele
Robert Greene
Thomas kyd
Thomas Nashe
Thomas Lodge

1)      William Shakespeare:
Known as one of the most shining stars of the Elizabethan Age, and prominent figure among English Dramatists. He was born on 26th April, 1564.As It was customary to baptize the children on the third day after birth, so 23rd April is considered as the real birth date of Shakespeare. In 1582, Shakespeare was married to Anne Hathway.Around 1587, he left his town and family and went to London to try his luck as an actor, but unfortunately he couldn’t be an actor.So, he started to write Dramas in four periods.
First Period is a period of early experimentation. It is marked by youthfulness and exuberance of imagination, by using rhymed couplets with his blank verse. This is a period from 1590 to 1595.
Some of his plays are

Henry sixth
Richard second
King John
Comedy of Errors
Love’s Labor’s Lost
Two Gentleman of Verona

The Second period is considered between 1595 to 1600.A period of rapid growth and development. In this period we may observe artistic work. In this period we can see the better plots and a marked increase in knowledge of human nature in his plays.
Some of his dramas are as given below

Romeo and Juliet
Midsummer night’s dream
Merchant of Venice
Henry fourth
As You Like it
Much a do about nothing
Mercy wives of Windsor

The third period of his life was a period of gloom and depression, from 1600 to 1607.In this period we may find full maturity of his powers. Some of his great production can be noticed in this period like four great tragedies as given below

King Lear
Julius Caesar
Twelfth Night
Taming of the shrew
Antony and Cleopatra

The Fourth period is a period of restored serenity, of calm after storm, which marked the last years of his artistic work, For Example

Winter’s Tale
The Tempest

2)      Ben Jonson:
In Elizabethan times, Ben Jonson was given more respect than Shakespeare. Because his plays were more popular than of Shakespeare’s plays. Ben Jonson was born at Westminster in 1573.he married when he was only twelve years old. His Father was an educated gentleman. His father died before Jonson’s Birth. And then he educated from the Cambridge University. For twenty five years, he was the literary dictator of London. He was influenced more by French.
Some of his plays are

Every man in his humor
Every man out of his humor
The Alchemist
The Silent woman
The Devil as an Ass
The masque of Beauty

“Every man in his Humor”, is a first comedy, which was written by Ben Jonson. The main object of this comedy was to ridicule the humors of the, by this pay, Jonson gives to his leading character some prominent humours, and exaggerates it.”Volpone”, is the third play of Ben Jonson, which gives us a merciless analysis of a man governed by an overwhelming love of money for its own sake. It possesses some powerful humors in it.”The Alchemist” is a study of gullibility and of quackery. This is an almost perfect specimen of the best English drama. It has a more effective element of humors, which contains some remarkable passages and it is the most readable of Jonson’s plays. He wrote only comedy, during his life time, and “The Silent woman” is one of them, which has a well-built plots and characteristics of a humorous play. It offers an excellent opportunity for the actors. In this comedy, full of life, abounding in fun and unexpected situations. The chief and major character is Morose, and the story of him can be found in this play.

3)      Christopher Marlowe:

Christopher Marlowe was born on 1564, in Canterbury, only a few months before Shakespeare. He was the son of a poor shoemaker. He took education education from the Cambridge University. Marlowe was more famous as well as most outstanding figures among Elizabethan dramatists and University Wits. Marlowe was the model for Shakespeare. Therefore one scholar comments about him

“Had there been no Marlowe

There would have been no Shakespeare

Shakespeare learnt from Marlowe at least two major dramatic technique like

Theory of Tragedy
Blank Verse
Some of his plays are as under
Edward second
Doctor Faustus
The Jew of Malta
Tamburlaine the great
The massacre of Parish
Dido queen of carthage

The first of this is”Tamburlaine”, the story of timur the tartar. Timur begins as a shepherd chief, who first rebels then triumphs over the Persian king. It is an Epic rather than a Drama. It doesn’t contain 12 books, but it has some elements of Epic.”Edward second”, his last tragedy, which studies a weaknesses of King Edward and his misery. It is by far the best of Marlow’s plays in style and dramatic construction.”Doctor faustus”, the best of all his tragedies. In a Dr.Faustus there is a story of a man named Faustus, who longs for infinite knowledge. Due to learn magic he sells himself to the devil on condition that he shall have twenty four years of absolute power and also knowledge.”The Jew of malta”, a study of the lust for the wealth. The first part of the pay is well-constucted, but the last part of the play is of melodramatic horrors.

john Lyly:

He was the leader of the University Wits and selected the themes from the classical literature. He was given much honor of this comedies like

Campaspe and Diogenes
Sapho and Phao
The man on the moon

Love is the principal theme of his dramas. We can see courtly life and behavior This way this allegory upon political life. About him one critic comments
                                                           “John Lyly was the master of prose style in English
                                                             Comedy, who was essentially a court dramatist, and
                                                             Added to drama the feminine qualities of delicacy, grace, Charm”

 George peele:
 He was born on 1558 in London, and become a member of university wits he wrote many plays but  unfortunately only few of them are popular like

Edward first
The old wives
The love of king David
Arraignment of Paris

We can observe the varieties in the dramas of George Peele like “A pastoral”,” mask in his arrangement”,” king David” a satirical drama the last one is his most memorable play

Robert Greene: 

 He travelled widely over Europe and liked Italian author he was scholar of both Oxford and Cambridge University. He developed a regular plot expressing deep human feelings .Green was most noticeable romantic writer and disciple of john Lyly
His Plays are

The Comical history  of allophones king of Aragon
A looking glass for London and England
The history of Orlando Furioso
The history of James  fourth

“James Fourth” is not a chronicle play just a story of a king “Friar Bacon” is a sort of Idyllic romance. his contribution to the development of regular well constructed English drama commendable

 Thomas lodge:

 He belonged to the university wit’s group who was not most remarkable but some of his plays are more famous like

The wounds of civil war
A looking glass for London and England.

“The wounds of Civil war” has some week scene of thrills and horrors the second one was written in collaboration with Greene

Thomas Nashe:

 Thomas Nashe was basically a pamphleteer and story writer. After writing this, he started to write English drama. He was the creator of the new genre in English prose. He defended the classical tradition of drama.
Few of them are

Dido queen of Carthage and summer last will and testament
The unfortunate traveler etc.  

 Thomas Kyd:

Thomas Kyd was born in London, in 1558,who was a very important member of the group called University Wits.His contribution is remarkable for both intrinsically and historically.
One critic states about him
                                                                “He was the first Dramatist to discover the bearing
                                                                 Of episode and of dramatic movement upon the character,
                                                                 And the first to give the audience a hint of the development
                                                                 That follows from his interaction”                                                                     
 Thomas Kyd was first English Dramatist who wrote dramatically. His importance in the group of University Wits is next to Marlowe.
His remarkable are plays such as

Spanish Tragedy
Apology for Actors
The Tragedy of Solyman and Perseda
 John Webster:

 He belonged among major dramatists of the Elizabethan Age. His extraordinary powers of expression rank him with Shakespeare.
Some of the popular dramas of Webster are

The White Devil
The Duchess of Malfi
The Devil’s law case

His talent seems to have been largely devoted to the blood and thunder play.Therefore, he ranks among the greatest masters of the Elizabethan Tragedy.

 Francis Beaumont:

Beaumont was born in warwickshire, who was the brother of Sir John Beaumont. He came to London from Oxford to study law, but soon gave it up to write for the stage. The work of Beaumont is so closely associated or interwoven that, though Fletcher outlived Beaumont by nine years, but later on Fletcher wrote alone. Still many persons class them together. And only scholars’ attempt to separate their works. So as to give each writer’s work. They both came from noble and cultured families and were university trained. Beaumont lived 32 years, but some of his works are very remarkably written in collaboration with Fletcher. But here, it is necessary to separate their work.
His plays are

A King and No King

The Night of the Burning Pestle

12 John Fletcher:

John Fletcher was one of the sons of the bishop of London, who took education at Cambridge University. In his work, we may observe the influence of his high social position and his Cambridge Education.


The Maid’s tragedy

To Sum Up:

A few words more, we can say that the dramatists like Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Webster, John Lyly, Marlowe etc.writers of a very high quality. They all tried their level best to raise the position of Drama. That’s why the drama of Elizabethan Age occupies a unique place in the world of Literature.

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